USS Lexington 2021
USS Lexington Live-Aboard & Gulf Coast Adventure
January 15 - 18th, 2021
Troop 380 January camp-out leaving 6 pm Friday; traveling to Austin to camp Friday night. Saturday a stop at Presidio La Bahia in Goliad, Texas -the only surviving example of a Spanish Colonial mission/presidio complex in Texas. Camp Saturday night on Mustang Island - Scout time on the beach/campfire. Sunday 2 pm arrival at USS LEXINGTON Live Aboard till 9 am Monday. Drive home Monday (MLK holiday).
Wear Class-B or uniform when traveling. Usually weather/water is warm enough for beach and wave fun, so bring swimsuit and towel. Note: Scouts and Adults Leaders need Class-A uniform for USS Lexington dinner and participating in fantastic USS Lexington flag program, aboard ship!
Scouts should bring personal camping gear including; sleeping bag & pad + sleeping clothes, durable outdoor footwear, change of outdoor clothing for season, hat, jacket, personal first aid kit, 1-qt. water bottle, red flashlight/headlight aboard ship and suggest camp stool/chair for camping.